Dear Justin -
I'm a grandfather. I've got six grandsons - can't believe it! One is almost your age.
So when I read about your speeding trouble and saw you in a jail jumpsuit last week, my grandfather's heart was sad.
I know you've gotten it all from people. Affection. Attack. Sympathetic. Snarky.
I know you've been blessed with a tsunami of success. Man, who knew? When you were shooting those little YouTube videos, who could have imagined all the massive hits you'd have, all the fans going crazy over you?
And all the choices you'd have because you could do and have anything you want. That's a pretty heavy backpack for a 19-year-old guy to carry.
With all the people slamming you and all the people sweet-talking you, I thought you might be ready for a couple of big ideas from a grandfather's heart. Let's say we're taking a slow walk on a long beach. Here's what I'd want to tell you...