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Transcript: You’ve got to think twice before you turn on the news these days. Who knows what the latest bomb shell is going to be? We’re traveling where there’s no map! We need some good news, and that’s exactly what Christmas is all about. The angel who announced Jesus’ birth said, “I bring you good news of great joy” (Luke 2:10). And it’s really good news in these times when so many problems seem unfixable, and so many things are spinning out of anyone’s control.

Here’s the Christmas news: “Today a Savior has been born to you. He is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11). See, Jesus is the Leader, the Messiah, the Rescuer this world is starved for and that we’re starved for.

So many things in our own lives we can’t fix, or change, or control. But He can! He came to fix what was most broken of all–our relationship with the God who made us. But it took Jesus giving His life to pay for our sin, and then He walked out of His grave, proving that He has power to change your life and your eternity.

He’s ready to come into your life this very day. And if you want Him to, call us at 888-NEED HIM, because you really do need Him.